Fans of The Ticket Radio drive time show the Hardline finally get some answers about the mysteriously upsetting disappearance of former host Greg Williams, thanks to this tell-all (or tell much, anyway) article by Richie Whitt at the Observer. First of all, props to Whitt and thanks — I’ve listened to endless rumors and speculation about what happened to Greggo (most of ’em ended up being true but that’s not the point). You can’t blame fans for talking after the show known for "pulling back the curtain" and letting listeners "in the fraternity" suddenly shuts up about an abruptly absent host, refusing to even mention his name. (The story reveals that particular behavior was due to a court-ordered gag). But here, both members of the formerly "dynamic duo" are talking.

Of course the Observer piece has garnered a lot of commentary, some of which bothers me. Corby Davidson and Mike Rhyner are not the bad guys here as some of the comments imply. Williams was (and is) a drug addict and by the end of the article, despite Whitt concluding with Williams being "no longer loaded", I get the impression Williams is not exactly on the road to recovery. I sense he feels sorry for himself, blames others for his problems, feels victimized and that he’s also trying to make the world feel sorry for him.

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I DO feel sorry for him — don’t get me wrong. The guy is a tortured soul to say the least. But you can’t blame the others for cutting ties. The fact that he does, and that he says he didn’t hurt anyone but himself, evidences he is still stuck in some sort of denial. His former coworkers/friends know him well enough to know he’s not done with the destructive behavior. It doesn’t take a genius to see this — he’s sitting at home surrounded by partying, drinking friends — he should be sitting in a 12-step meeting.