If you read/watched Back Talk’s coverage of the recent budget meeting, you know neighbors are upset about the imminent closings and limitations on libraries, parks and pools. Some East Dallas residents are especially upset about plans to close Tietze pool next summer.

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The Parks Department has plans to rotate openings and closings of public pools from summer to summer, according to a letter sent by Lisa Marshall from Friends of Tietze Park.

“Since Tietze pool was open for 2010, it is on the list to be closed for 2011,” she says. “It will take a huge show of support from the community to have any chance at changing this.”

She is calling on pool users to attend the Tuesday, August 24 budget meeting at Frontiers of Flight Museum (6911 Lemmon) to “plead the case for keeping the Tietze Pool open for 2011.”

Friends of Tietze Park should wear their “Tietze Torpedo T-shirts” (I want one!) to the meeting in order to stand out to council members.

You could also e-mail Angela Hunt: angela.hunt@dallascityhall.com. For more info about FOTP, contact Marshall via e-mail: lhmarshall@sbcglobal.net.