Between McMillan and Glencoe, Henderson Avenue remains nearly 6 acres of open space, a few trees, dead grass and an alarming number of discarded single gloves. On Thursday, the city council will vote on whether to approve a retail, office and restaurant development in the rapidly changing area.

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Rarely does an area of East Dallas remain vacant for so long, though Art on Henderson began placing public art in the lot to brighten the strip. The zoning change sign remained for so long that the ink runs down the sign, making it all but illegible.

Approval by the city council will also bring a below-ground parking structure with access on Henderson for the new development.

Driving Henderson may get busier, but the plan also calls for a two-way turn lane to be installed on Henderson in the area to deal with the added traffic. Of the 214 neighbors who were notified, 96 favored the project and 22 opposed it.

The area’s plan discusses the desire for boutique-like retail and a walkable area with 10-foot sidewalks. It also suggests commercial crop production in rooftop greenhouses. All of the buildings will be less than 50-feet tall with at least 10-foot setbacks in the front and 40-foot minimum side and rear yard setbacks. Trees will be planted along Henderson, and private and public garden spaces are part of the plan as well.

“Texas Bluestem” by Art Garcia, a 2016 Art on Henderson Finalist