Dog, not at Truck Yard, by Danny Fulgencio

Dog, not at Truck Yard, by Danny Fulgencio

Monday following the canine calamity, we communicated with Truck Stop bouncer Dalton, who says he interceded the dog fight. (Dalton goes on record only by Dalton, no first name).”I broke the dogs up and held down the pit bull that attacked the golden retriever,” he says.

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He believes the fray the fault of irresponsible humans, not the pit bull, who he says entered the Truck Yard along with another pit bull, both sans collar or leash. In fact, Dalton says, the currently quarantined dog showed signs of being very gentle once he calmed down.

“The only thing that this boils down to is people not following the rules of the truck yard,” Dalton says. “As I was controlling one of the loose dogs, the other attacked a golden retriever,” Dalton explains. “The attack lasted 60 seconds at the most but I had to contain the pit bull for a good 30 minutes until he calmed down and we could let him up without the fear of him turning on me. After the fact, this dog was sweet and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

This was 100 percent the dog owner’s fault,” Dalton continues, and she showed no remorse after the incident.” He wants readers to know that the Truck Yard, always a dog friendly establishment, is perfectly safe, provided everyone follow the rules.

“The situation was handled quickly and professionally with very minor scratches to the other dog involved, and I only have a few scuffs from the gravel,” Dalton says. “People don’t need to be afraid to come to the Truck Yard; this wasn’t a big deal. Just a reminder we have the doggie rules for a reason, safety.”

Jason Boso's Truck Yard is open for business

Truck Yard on Greenville

We all know that dogs are welcome at Greenville Avenue hotspot Truck Yard.

“They even serve dog ice cream up front,” according to contributor Annie on “All dogs receive a bowl. It’s like a dog park with beer and food truck for humans.”

But sometimes, beer and dogs don’t mix.

Sunday evening Truck Yard turned into a chaotic scene featuring teeth, flying fur, distressed dogs and owners, police sirens, paramedics and animal control, after, witnesses say, one dog latched onto another and would not let loose.

The owner of the alleged aggressor was handcuffed and cited, and the dog was quarantined.

“If you’re going to get hammered, do yourself, your dog and everyone else a favor: leave the dog at home,” a man who witnessed the dog fight notes on Facebook’s Lakewood Dallas group.

I’ve put in a call to Truck Yard and Dallas Police Department to see if I can get something more official. Let us know ( if you or someone you know was involved.