74-Book_SaleThe book-loving folks of local nonprofit Lochwood Branch Library Friends are asking for help from their artistic neighbors to design their new logo with a logo design contest. The contest is open to everyone, and the first submission is free, with a $5 fee for each additional submission. The nonprofit is hoping the winning logo will highlight themes of “People, reading, knowledge and community.”

Cash prizes include:

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Christian Brothers Automotive Award $500

Comerica Bank School Award $200

Paper Arts Student Award $100

The best logo submission from a Dallas-area school student (K-12) will earn additional prize money for his or her school art department.

The deadline for submissions is April 24 and winners will be announced on May 9. The winner and the top 10 finalists will be recognized at the nonprofit’s June 22 meeting. Submissions will be judged by the staff at Lochwood library and the Lochwood Branch Library Friends. Click here for the submission form and to see logo contest guidelines.