1480746_10152037154564216_1594570651_nThe Creative Arts Center of Dallas (CAC), a nonprofit school of visual and community arts that East Dallas has lovingly claimed as its own for years, is doing something that will make you slap your forehead and say, “Well, of course. Why didn’t they do that years ago?”

CAC announced earlier this week it has teamed with Carve Literary Services to provide a series of creative writing classes and workshops coming up in 2014.

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See what I mean? OK, you probably didn’t actually slap your forehead, but I bet the folks at CAC and Carve wanted to when the “ah-ha” moment occurred to them.

Diana Pollak, CAC’s Executive Director, practically admits as much:  “Our mission is to provide a nurturing environment for people to discover, develop and express their artistic visions,” she says. “We have been offering a number of foundation classes in creativity, branding and social media. Offering creative writing will allow us to reach a new audience and allow us to further our mission.”

And there’s that forehead-slapping moment we were talking about.

The first workshop will kick-off on Jan. 18, taught by Joe Milazzo, author of The Terraces (Das Arquibancadas).   Additional workshops will be taught by Pulitzer Prize winning writer, journalist and photographer Beatriz Terrazas; and Kristin vanNamen, a writer and educator who also serves as Managing Editor of Carve magazine. Beginning March 30, there will be a six-week class, “The Art of Writing Fiction,” taught by writer and Carve Editor-In-Chief.

Classes and details are available on the website.