East Dallas made international news thanks to our version of the Night’s Watch this week when the alleged porch bandit was nabbed, and authorities are again looking for help to identify thieves in the neighborhood.

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Phase IIIĀ of the SoPac trail will connect the Ridgewood/Belcher Recreation Center to White Rock Lake and follow the path of the old Southern Pacific rail line. After being funded in 2012, the project is finally underway, but crews have experienced three recent robberies and the police need the neighborhood’s help to protect the construction equipment.

According to a bulletin from Nathan Davison, a senior design engineer at Dallas County Public Works, the field office and equipment staging area are being robbed after hours and on holidays. A Polaris Ranger utility vehicle, flatbed utility trailer and skid steel loader (miniature bull-dozer) fork attachment were stolen from the project’s field office at 6960 Fisher Road. Several attachments also were stolen from the staging area, which is under the Mockingbird Lane bridge and Fisher Road.

Authorities ask neighbors to check their security cameras and report any suspicious activity near these sites. Contact Dallas Police Department detective Jeff Robinson at 214-670-7762 with information; use the case #292862-2017.

Nabbing heavy machinery equipment isn’t really the modus operandi of the porch thief, but perhaps the capture of the porch pilferer will bring an end to the SoPac stealer as well.