cantaloupeAre you a cantaloupe fan?

Cantaloupe has amazing health benefits including antioxidant and anti-inflammatory support. One cup provides 100 percent of the daily recommended allowance of Vitamin A.

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The best time to buy cantaloupe is when its in-season. In Dallas, that means June – August. Toward the end of August, it can often be found on sale.

Our new neighborhood Trader Joe’s is selling the Tuscan cantaloupe, an Italian variety, for $2.99 each. Sprout’s is currently advertising large (non-organic) cantaloupes at $0.99 each (through 8-14) and large organic melons at $2.99 each (through 8-21).

Here are a few tips on picking a sweet, dripping-down-your-chin melon.

See: Inspect the outside. The skin should be tan-colored and free of dents and bruises.

Feel: The melon should feel solid and heavy with no soft spots. Heaviness means ripeness.

Smell: Sniff the bottom spot where the stem was once attached. It should smell like cantaloupe. Unripe cantaloupes have no smell.

Taste: Some grocery stores and farmer’s markets offer samples (especially on the weekend). If so, don’t pass up a free taste test.

The following is a great summer salad recipe, a modern take on everyone’s favorite Caprese Salad.cantaloupe salad

Cantaloupe Salad

1 medium cantaloupe cut into small cubes

10-12 basil leaves, chiffonaded

1 cup fresh mozzarella cut into small pieces

1/4 red onion, thinly sliced

olive oil

red wine vinegar

juice from one lime

sea salt


Directions: Toss cantaloupe, basil, cheese and onion in a bowl. Drizzle vinegar, a long pour of olive oil, and lime juice over fruit. Stir. Sprinkle with sea salt and pepper to taste. Let stand in refrigerator thirty minutes before serving. Serves 4-6.
