IMG_0644Though A&A Barbershop in Casa Linda Plaza closed this past summer, a new barbershop could take its place.

Leasing representative Matt Squire of AmREIT, which owns the shopping center, says he was “sad to see the barbershop go,” and that he wished that the barbershop had not switched ownership five years ago. According to Squire, the shop’s most recent owner, Michael Applebee, was having “personal issues and could not continue running the shop.” The letter from AmREIT posted on the vacant space’s door notes that rent was “delinquent” and “we have therefore changed the lock.”IMG_0645 (Click on the images for larger views.)

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Squire says AmREIT is “marketing the space to hopefully be another barbershop, as there are many hair salons in the area, but not as many traditional barbershops that cater to men.”

A&A Barbershop closed in August 2012 after being in business for more than 50 years. Regular clients enjoyed the old-school straight razor fades and lively tales of veteran barber Jerry Hearn.