Photo by Madeline Stevens

Original plans for a food truck court on Lower Greenville at Sears Street called for bolted-down trucks centered on picnic tables. But in getting an ordinance change for that plan, real estate company Madison Partners also made it easier for food trucks to be permitted in the city.

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So they’re having a change of plans. Jonathon Hetzel of Madison says they company now is planning to build a building on the site, with a commissary kitchen for the food trucks to use, tables for dining, restrooms, and a small restaurant and bar.

“With the summer we just had, people were getting freaked out about not having air conditioning,” Hetzel says.

They’re planning a metal building with overhang doors, so it could retain an outdoor feel when the doors are opened during nice weather.

There will be about six outlets for the food trucks, and they won’t be bolted down, allowing for more flexibility. The project is expected to be finished in the first half of next year, Hetzel says.