
The coolest thing you’ve never heard of just moved into the neighborhood.

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Two words: Bubble Soccer.

While at first glance, the fish-bowl-esque contraption looks like some sort of cruel and unusual torture device, don’t be fooled. This hilarious form of entertainment will have you rolling on the floor laughing — literally.

Don’t believe me? Check out the following YouTube video.

Told you.

And the best part is: The equipment can be used by kids aged nine and up, but it’s primarily an adult game.

Actually, I lied. That’s not the best part. The best part is that not only has Bubble Soccer come to the U.S. (Thus far, it has only been available overseas), and not only has Bubble Soccer come to Dallas; Bubble Soccer has come to Lakewood.

Neighbor Steve Mosley founded Bubble Soccer USA at his home on Gaston just a few weeks ago. For $30 a person, groups can rent out bubbles and other playing equipment from Mosley and his team.

Check out the website for more, or the Facebook page for photo and video updates.