How about that wacky Dallas public school system? Regardless of who’s lying about what, who’s suing whom, who gets indicted and who gets fired, the whole tragic fiasco has to be doing major damage to Dallas’ economic efforts, both to market the City to out-of-town businesses and to try to bring back and maintain the health of close-in neighborhoods like ours.

I’ve heard people from as far away as Denver and Detroit say that the DISD antics have made national news. And if you think that won’t be used against us by our competitors, guess again.

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Those who will suffer the most will be the public school students who will be looking for jobs when they graduate. The taxpayers and voters need to demand that everyone involved in this mess get back to running a decent school system instead of playing some paranoid zero-sum game for imagined power over whatever might be left of the school system.

Even if you don’t have kids in the Dallas schools, it still affects you directly. Our customers, potential employers, and employees and investors in our businesses decide where to move, in large part, based on the perception of the local schools.

Do you think the subject of local public schools might happen to come up?

The sad part is that this damages the reputation of what are actually some very good neighborhood schools. Those hard-working teachers and students deserve better.