That’s why your pet’s parasite control is important year round.  All parasites are not visible, such as fleas and ticks; some cause hidden infections like hookworms, roundworms and the Protozoa giardia.

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These common offenders affect the GI tract and may cause diarrhea, vomiting, weight loss and lethargy. Contact with contaminated fecal material easily spreads parasites among pets. And, they don’t limit themselves to four-footed hosts; humans can become infected too.

Heartworms are parasites transmitted by mosquitos. In our neighborhoods, with an absence of serious winter cold snaps, this disease is a year-round, potentially deadly problem for pets.
Screening and prevention are keys to pet protection. Many flea/tick medications are effective at preventing infestations. Monthly heartworm medications additionally help decrease GI tract parasites.

At Rutherford Veterinary Hospital, we recommend yearly blood tests for heartworms and tick-born diseases, along with bi-annual fecal exams for intestinal parasites.
Annual testing ensures medications are working, there are no breakthroughs in protection, and in the case of heartworms — mosquitoes are not becoming medication-resistant.

It is easier to screen and protect pets than deal with potentially lengthy and expensive treatments.

Learn more about parasite control by visiting Rutherford Veterinary Hospital today at

Rutherford Veterinary Hospital
Serving neighborhood pets since 1924
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• Geriatric Care
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Lakewood resident
Teri Rowan, DVM