OK, I went back to Albertson’s yesterday afternoon. I had my kid, and as soon as we walked in, a woman working near the produce/bakery section asked how we were doing and, as my little bundle of joy was wimpering "eat! eat!", she stopped what she was doing to fetch him a cookie. Again, a handful of employees asked me if I was doing all right, did I need help finding anything, etc. … And the bagger (a new face) even went out of his way to pick up my keys after my kiddo threw them under my cart. And, as my son began really ramping up his grump, the guy apologized profusely for not bagging my last items quickly enough, even though I wasn’t complaining or giving him the hairy eyeball.

Two things can be learned from this post:
1. My son hates the grocery store as much as I do and is rather cranky in the late afternoon.
2. Albertson’s is seriously kicking butt these days in the customer service department, and has managed to sustain that for a few weeks now.

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