The division includes Lower Greenville, Old East Dallas and East Grand, as well as downtown, uptown, part of Oak Lawn and Riverfront Blvd.
Overall crime in the division decreased 14 percent last year over 2009. Violent crime dropped 15 percent, and property crime dropped 14 percent. Some interesting statistics: There were 3022 car burglaries reported last year, 521 fewer than in 2009. Car thefts, shoplifting and theft are down by double-digit percentages. But burglaries of homes and businesses were about the same last year as 2009.
There were four murders in the Lower Greenville area last year, which doubled 2009’s total. There were 14 rapes in that area last year, two more than in 2009. Other violent crimes — robbery and aggravated assault — were down.
Rape and burglaries spiked in the area that includes Old East Dallas. There were 18 rapes and 408 burglaries of homes and businesses in 2010.
At a quarterly crime meeting with DPD and neighbors Wednesday night, police said they are bracing for the Super Bowl. Expect gridlock downtown starting Jan. 27. Traffic and crowds are expected to spill over to Fair Park and the Lower Greenville and North Henderson areas.