Signs encouraging families to "Choose Woodrow" are disappearing out of neighborhood yards, according to Woodrow PTA president Emily Martin. The high school’s recruiting committee recently drove around and stuck them in the front lawns of various Woodrow families in an attempt to encourage passersby to eschew private schools and opt for public school. Martin says that she had two in front of her Gaston residence, but now there’s only one. Someone came by and "just jumped out of the car, grabbed the sign, jumped back in the car, and sped off." Hers wasn’t the only one. Apparently several were ripped off.

Martin wisely said she wouldn’t "hazard a guess" as to who exactly is stealing them, but she figures it’s "someone who’s jealous, no doubt, of Woodrow’s prowess. Or someone who just thinks those signs are so darn cool."

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The idea for the signs, by the way, came from Bobbi Willhite and the Woodrow recruiting committee. It’s a new publicity technique this year. Another big publicity event is tomorrow, the Welcome to Woodrow night from 7-8:30 p.m. on campus.  Prospective students will be able to shadow a current student to see what a typical day at Woodrow is like.

Also, for anyone who has questions about the Woodrow reconstitution, a Q&A with Principal Ruth Vail and Dallas ISD officials begins at 6 p.m.