If you know parents with a student at Woodrow, chances are you’ll find them and all of their friends — along with a good chunk of the student body — at NorthPark tonight as just about every school arts group performs in the North Court (between Nordstrom’s and Macy’s). Beginning at 6 p.m. and ending at 9:30 p.m., and with a new group stepping to the stage every 10-20 minutes, you can see (in order) the school’s bank, orchestra, Studio B1, Counterpart choir, Sweethearts Drill Team, freshmen cheerleaders, Studio B2, junior varsity cheerleaders, dance troupe, varsity cheerleaders, and Variations choir. NorthPark has traditionally invited a couple of Woodrow groups to entertain holiday crowds, but this is the first time I can recall the school taking over a portion of the mall for an entire evening.