A car crashed into the brick wall that guarded the prayer garden at Wilshire Baptist Church. (Photo by Keri Mitchell.)

A brick wall that guarded the prayer garden at Wilshire Baptist Church came tumbling down Friday after a driver got his flip-flop caught in the accelerator of his car.

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The driver was traveling down Sudbury Drive when his flip-flop got caught, Pastor George Mason said in his Sunday sermon. He hurtled across Abrams, barreled through the church parking lot and slammed into the wall.

“We didn’t built the wall to keep people out or to wall ourselves in from the world,” Mason said. “We built it to create a quieter zone from the traffic for prayer and meditation. Robert Frost was probably right when he wrote, ‘Something there is that doesn’t love a wall, that wants it down.’ So it’s down now.”

The one consolation is that the statue of children playing with doves in hand somehow survived. It’s now visible to commuters and pedestrians along Abrams.

“That statue is called Children of Peace,” Mason said. “We can only hope that when people look at it, they see us too.”