As far as I know, this is not a neighborhood issue. Yet. Sunday I put gas in my car at a Chevron at the Preston/Northwest Highway intersection. The station, it appeared,  had been recently updated. Immediately after I started the pump, a speaker on the pump began blaring radio-type commercials at me. Not the "Come inside and buy a drink" or "Clean your engine with Techron" type-thing, but third party commercials for companies unassociated with the oil company. Clearly a new income stream for the station even though  I was already paying a premium for the gas.

I know I’m cranky (I’m still mad that we have commercials on paid cable tv. That’s not what was promised when cable tv was new and trying to grow) but now I can’t even pump expensive, premium priced gas in relative peace?

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I’d love to know if anyone has seen this new technology installed east of Central. I want to make sure I don’t turn in there.