12523104_1076570659042948_5102838270447634697_nJam out and help Dallas’ tornado victims. Friends of Lakewood (FOL) is hosting a night of music, food, drinks and fun with proceeds going to the December storm victims tomorrow night at 7 p.m. It will be at the Barley House in East Dallas. WhiteCollar, George Dunham and the Bird Dogs and Ronnie Fauss will play. The entrance fee is a $20 donation. Barley House is at 5612 SMU. Go to the Facebook event page for more.

Through March 20, an exhibit by Dallas native Martin Delabano will be on display at St. Matthew’s Cathedral Arts. The exhibit, “Salvaged and Repurposed: Selected works of Martin Delabano,” will be held in the Justus Sundermann Gallery. Parking and admission is free. St. Matthew’s Episcopal Cathedral is located at 5100 Ross. Go to cathedralartsdallas.org or call 214.887.6552 for more.

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Shawn Saumell, a visual artist born in New York who currently lives and works in Dallas, is hosting an exhibit at the Bath House Cultural Center. The show, “Post,” features a series of prints mounted on aluminum panels that depict colorful, yet desolated and otherworldly desertscapes. Bath House Cultural Center is located at 521 E. Lawther. Call 214.670.8749 or go to bathhousecultural.com for more. Admission is free.

Tribute to Frida Kahlo at Bath House Cultural Center

Tribute to Frida Kahlo at
Bath House Cultural Center

Through Jan. 30, Bath House Cultural Center is hosting “Frida Kahlo: La Flor de la Vida (The Flower of Life),” an art exhibition that draws inspiration from the influential Mexican artist Frida Kahlo. The Bath House is located at 521 E Lawther. The exhibit is free.

Through Feb. 13 is “Close Encounters of the Dirk Kind” at Pocket Sandwich Theater. Film Noir detective Dirk Spatula is called out of retirement to help find a space alien on the run. Mix in a host of vixen spies, teleportation, shape shifting, voodoo and a werewolf. Don’t forget to throw popcorn at the stage. Pocket Sandwich Theater is located at 5400 E. Mockingbird. Call 214.821.1860 or go to pocketsandwich.com for more. Tickets are $12-$25.

Need to do some estate planning? This Saturday, Jan. 23, in partnership with the Lakewood Library, attorneys from the Quraishi Law Firm will give a talk, “Your Resolution Checklist: Avoid the 7 Pitfalls of Estate Planning,” to discuss the importance of estate planning and common mistakes people make. This program will address why some traditional estate plans fail, the difference between a trust and a will and why some people want to avoid probate, and what a good estate plan looks like. The event is from 1-2 p.m. at Lakewood Library, located at 6121 Worth. Go to the website or call 214.670.1376 for more.