Newly renovated Lakewood Shopping Center clock. (Photo courtesy of Sugarbacon Proper Kitchen)

The newly renovated Lakewood Shopping Center clock. (Photo courtesy of Sugarbacon Proper Kitchen)

When the owners of Sugarbacon Proper Kitchen took over the hallowed restaurant space that was occupied by Dixie House for more than three decades, they knew they were taking on a piece of history. That included the beloved clock, which was the topic of much neighborhood chatter in 2013 when it was removed during shopping center renovations (it was then brought back a year later).

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The officials at Sugarbacon didn’t take nearly that long to restore the clock. After taking it down about a month ago, they fulfilled a promise to have it back in action around the holidays. As you can see, the clock has been set aglow with new neon backing. We’ve been searching for an original image of the clock to see how the restoration stacks up, but have yet to find one.

Neighbor Ronald Siebler posted this video of the restoration process, showing the craftsmanship that went into the new design.