I don’t think I’ve ever heard as many people complain about how stretched their schedules are than I have this holiday season. Just the same, if you get a chance, or especially if you end up looking for something to do over the holidays, I highly recommend "The Last Night of Ballyhoo" at the Contemporary Theater of Dallas. I knew nothing of this play when I saw it at the Contemporary last year but thoroughly enjoyed myself. I guess I wasn’t the only one since they brought it back this year.

Written by Alfred Urhy of "Driving Miss Daisey" fame, it’s the story of a Jewish family in Atlanta during the Ballyhoo of 1939, an annual Jewish cotillion that attracts young people from across the country. Despite wrangling with such heavy topics as racial prejudice, cultural assimilation and the gathering darkness of war in Europe, it is upbeat, fast paced and often hilarious. And yes, that’s a Christmas tree you see in the photo to the left. They explain that during the play.

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I find that I thoroughly enjoy myself every time I go to the Contemporary. Located in a renovated historic church on Sears Street, just off of Lower Greenville, I think it’s one of the gems of the Dallas Theater scene. It’s a very intimate venue with high quality productions. Their production of A. R. Gurney’s "The Dining Room" remains one of my most memorable theater experiences ever. The new season starts in late January. I guess it’s time to subscribe.