HG Sply Co.

HG Sply Co.

Have you heard about the rising “farm-to-table” trend? In some ways, it’s a new name for an old concept. Restaurants that embrace the farm-to-table mentality usually make a commitment to carry, at the very least, some organic dishes, if not an entirely organic menu. But mostly the farm-to-table philosophy means restaurants commit to buying as much produce from local distributers as possible.

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Mariel Street, the managing partner of the new Liberty Burger in Lakewood Shopping Center, says she plans to buy produce from the local We Over Me farm at Paul Quinn College for her featured Veggie Burger.

A pretty cool concept, huh? Here’s a few other places in East Dallas that have already set down roots in the trend:

Sundown at Granada has been rocking this concept for a while. They’ve made a name for themselves by using locally sourced food, featuring grass fed beef, as well as offering vegan and vegetarian dishes.

The semi-new HG Sply Co on Greenville, which became popular for touting its “back to basics” paleo diet menu, is equality as committed to the farm-to-table philosophy.

The LOT off Gaston-Grand is a “locally influenced” restaurant that also boasts locally sourced food.

You can also count Good 2 Go Taco as a big supporter of the farm-to-table system.

And Company Cafe says it is “happy to be counted among Dallas’ farm-to-table leaders.”