A new garden will open at the Arboretum this week …

The two-acre Nancy Ruthhik Red Maple Rill opens Thursday. A former ivy and bamboo-filled ravine has been transformed into a series of cascading pools lined with Encore azaleas and woodland plants and features more than 80 varieties of Japanese maple. More than 200 trees were hand selected — one is believed to be more than 200 years old.

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From a news release:

Designed by H. Rowland Jackson, FASLA of Newman, Jackson Bieberstein, Inc., the Red Maple Rill completes the master plan for the adjoining concert lawn and stage that was also commissioned by Mrs. Rutchik in honor of her late husband, Martin Rutchik. The concert lawn has consistently been recognized as one of the “Best Places in Dallas” to attend an outdoor concert. The completion of the Red Maple Rill provides additional VIP concert seating in an overlook that offers a gorgeous vista of both the Rill and White Rock Lake.

Nancy Rutchik

“I was thrilled with the design when I first saw it and have been thinking about it ever since,” Mrs. Rutchik said, “because it would add to the ambience of the concert lawn and stage, both named for my husband, Martin. As I see it completed, it has fulfilled my greatest expectations and I know it will bring such joy to millions of visitors for years to come.”

Read more at dallarboretum.org.