Lakewood Elementary volunteer Sonja Sanchez was named October Partner of the Month by the Dallas Council of PTAs, an honor given for contributions to DISD schools.

Sanchez is new to Lakewood this year and lives in Town Park Apartments. She has three daughters enrolled at the elementary.

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Sanchez spends a few hours at Lakewood every school day, helping out in a variety of ways, from supervising on the playground to aiding students in the computer labs.

“From the first day she enrolled her children, she asked what she could do to help at the school,” says Lakewood Principal Karen Rogers. “She does such good work with energy and commitment that we have been making more and more requests of her. She is very generous with her time. She has a very pleasant attitude, and it shows in her three little girls, who are here every morning smiling.”


Dec. 1 – DISD Superintendent Chad Woolery speaks on “School’s Choice” at Hotchkiss Elementary, 6929 Town North Drive, at 7 p.m. about school restructuring and voucher systems.

Dec. 15 – Victor H. Hexter Elementary PTA meeting at the school, 9720 Waterview Road, 7 p.m. There will be a holiday program.

Dec. 13 – Mt. Auburn Elementary volunteers will be honored at a 9 a.m. breakfast at the school, 6012 E. Grand Ave. The students choir will perform.

Dec. 13 – Mount Auburn’s PTA meets, 7 p.m. There will be a holiday musical program, and information will be presented about DISD’s seventh and eighth grade academics.

Dec. 13 – Fannin Elementary, 4800 Ross Ave., monthly Parent Education Meeting, 1:45 p.m. in the school cafeteria. For information, call Dulce Parker at 841-5249 or Fannin’s main desk at 841-5175.

Jan. 21 – Lakewood Elementary’s Bingo, Buffet and Silent Auction at the Lakewood Country Club, 6430 Gaston, 6 p.m. Bingo tickets are $15; buffet and bingo tickets are $25. Tickets on sale at the school, 3000 Hillbrook. Call 841-5250 for information.