Mockingbird Elementary School. A rectangular two-story building. Four stairs lead to the building's entrance. Trees and shrubs line the building's perimeter.

Mockingbird Elementary. (Provided)

Mockingbird Elementary will hold its annual family-friendly carnival this Saturday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

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The carnival is Mockingbird’s second-largest annual fundraiser. It includes rides, games, a petting zoo, pony rides and food trucks, all which must be paid for with tickets. Tickets are $1, but they are sold in packs of 10. Wristbands are available for $25 and provide unlimited access to games and rides, but food must still be paid for through tickets.

Rides cost 2-3 tickets, games cost 1-2 tickets, snacks cost 1-5 tickets and food truck items cost 4-9 items. The carnival will be located at 5828 E. Mockingbird Lane, and tickets and wristbands can be purchased on site. For more information about ticket and wristband pricing, click here.