Rudy Bush at Dallas’ Only Daily Newspaper details a story Wamre has been following here — the proposal to redevelop the old Kroger’s at Henderson and Ross. The developers have withdrawn their request for a zoning change.

I won’t take into account the tone of the story, which makes it seem like a damn shame that the site won’t be redeveloped. That’s for others to discuss. And I have nothing against the developers, who I have dealt with in the past and who have always been fair and open with me.

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But I do take exception to the very sloppy reporting:

• Bush notes that a Sears used to be on the site. In fact, the Sears was across Ross, when the Fiesta is.

• He wrote that the developers "transformed a rough-and-tumble street into an eclectic mix of locally owned bars, restaurants and other businesses." In fact, most of the businesses that were on Henderson before the "transformation" were locally owned — and I have been drinking at one of them for some 20 years. They just weren’t Anglo, locally-owned businesses catering to upscale white customers.

• Bush said: "Everyone agrees that the old Carnival grocery store at Henderson Avenue and Lewis Street is one of the biggest eyesores left in the area." Everyone? Has Bush seen any of the apartment buildings on Capitol between Henderson and Fitzhugh? Or the dollar store at the intersection of Fitzhugh and Bennett? And the empty apartment buildings on Greenville, that back on to the Kroger site, aren’t all that pretty, either.