The JFK Unspoken Speech project, which includes East Dallas neighbors Cliff Simms and Peter Wood, has released its sixth film. You can view the video, entitled “Talk Sense” on Vimeo.
“This piece features a sound sculpture of an American service family, currently stationed in the UK, reading President Kennedy’s thoughts on political sloganeering and economics,” Simms says.
Simms and Wood, who work together for an ideation and brand culture agency called Resident Alien, wanted to “do something for Dallas and its citizens,” they explained.
For more than a year, the two have been creating a montage of video and pictures of JFK’s “Unspoken Speech,” as both a tribute to the 50th anniversary of the president’s assassination, as well as an opportunity for Dallas citizens to unite around his words and speak out, in hopes of giving the city a bit of closure.

“At the time, there were all kind of horrible things said about Dallas,” Wood says. “We’re not trying to wrap it up and put it away; we’re trying to remind people that we are not personally responsible for this monstrosity.”

Read more about their work.

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