Summer has brought a large number of difficult and controversial zoning issues to East Dallas.

One of many is parking on Lower Greenville and Henderson. The neighborhood and business task force addressing the issue has met several times and progress has been made on what to do about paving over head-in parking. The group will study changing current ordinances governing Lower Greenville parking, and similar provisions for Henderson.

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The lengthy process requires that proposals be reviewed by interested groups in the area, followed by the Plan Commission and City Council. If the task force reaches a consensus, Commission and Council approval will be easy.

RETURNING TO THE TABLE: Zoning at the intersection of Collett and Reiger in the Munger Place Historic District, has been the subject of recent meetings. It is an emotional zoning case that goes back a couple of years and involves the termination of a car wash located on single-family zoned property. For a long time, there was little communication between the neighborhood and the business owners, there by exacerbating the situation, even though both had important interests at stake.

Recent talks have resulted in some movement towards a compromise, but a consensus is a long way off.

LIQUOR STORE CONCERNS: Liquor related businesses along Samuell Boulevard across from Tenison Park has neighborhood residents concerned. Owners of Texas Liquors on Samuell want to renovate their store and sell groceries in part of their building. Texas Liquors’ application for a building permit triggered a newly-adopted City rule that requires businesses earning more than 75 percent of their gross revenue from alcohol sales must obtain a Specific Use Permit. The Plan Commission passed the SUP application unanimously, because singling out this one business for denial would be difficult to justify.

Surrounding neighborhoods have met in the wake of the Plan Commission’s decision, at the suggestion of area Councilmembers, to try to agree on what they would like to see happen in the area. The groups want continued policing and code enforcement and to work with the businesses for more cleanup and self-policing. More follow-up meetings are expected on this subject.

FROM EAST GARRETT PARK: The application to change a multifamily zoned property to parking zoning at 5509 Bryan Parkway, just off Lowest Greenville in the East Garrett Park neighborhood, has encountered some problems. Several neighborhood residents within the notice area decided to oppose it, after they figured out what was going on. The area is predominantly Spanish-speaking, but the City’s notice was sent out in English. The applicant also lives in the neighborhood, and as often happens, the case has become a personal issue. There is also a question about whether the required notice sign was posted properly. However, Commission and Council approval is expected.

GREENVILLE AVENUE CHRISTIAN CHURCH: An initial contact was made to City officials about a possible rezoning of the former Greenville Avenue Christian Church property from single family zoning to parking. The proposal would be for the construction of a concrete-paved, fenced and lighted parking lot at the northeast corner of Greenville and Llano. No application has been filed, and if one is filed depends on neighborhood reaction. Traditionally, the neighborhoods have opposed any loss of single-family zoned lots to parking zoning. More will be reported on this issue next month.

EAST DALLAS MARKET: The City Council was scheduled to consider the zoning change needed for construction of the long-awaited Peak-Bryan market at Bryan Street and Burlew on May 25. Approval was expected. The project has been in the works for many years and has wide-spread support.