Photo by Christy Robinson

East Dallas-based green builder Alan Hoffman has a plan to build 22 zero lot line homes on the 3.25-acre Trinity Lutheran Church site on Gaston at Loving.

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Hoffman, who lives in Little Forest Hills, has the property under contract, and he says he’s looking at costs and putting together a  presentation for neighbors.

Hoffman built the first two LEED certified homes in Dallas, as well as the city’s first two LEED Platinum certified homes.

He plans to implement what he calls a Mews concept, in which homes face each other and are surrounded by a greenbelt. The homes would be built with many green features, including an underground rainwater-capture system. The rainwater would be reused to irrigate a xeriscaped greenbelt.

Hoffman says he wants to keep as many trees as possible, particularly hardwood trees on the site, but he would eliminate less desirable trees, including some fruitless pear trees.

The homes would comprise about 4,000-square-feet each, and they would be built with a mix of architectural styles, including “’30’s mission design”, contemporary and Tudor revival styles.

“If they all look the same, it’s going to look like townhomes or apartments,” he says.

Hoffman lived on Clayton years ago, and he says he thought another builder’s plan to put a total of 45 homes on the lot was too dense.

His plans call for a design that would “feel quite open and spacious” and have a community feel, he says.