These food photos might make you want to be a better person more than they make you hungry. Pulitzer Prize-winning photojournalist David Leeson’s “thought-provoking” photographs—according to a press release–are featured in the North Texas Food Bank’s “Farm to Table” 2013 calendar.

Each month depicts fresh produce and informational tidbits like “fresh produce distribution to rural areas increased by 57 percent in 2012” and the North Texas Food Bank “distributes nearly 11,000 Food 4 Kids backpacks every week.”

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The calendars are about $20 and available at Central Market at 5750 E. Lovers along with North Texas Food Bank holiday cards ($25-$225).

Each calendar sale means 60 more meals will be provided to North Texas neighbors.

Leeson is no stranger to the Advocate. In the last few years, he put together videos on the Hillside Village shopping center revitalization and a time-lapse bike ride down the Santa Fe Trail.