How and why we choose the schools our children attend is difficult to quantify, but the results of our choices are evident when Dallas ISD compiles its demographic snapshots. These numbers come from the district’s reports to the Texas Education Agency and from its Campus Demographic Data Book.

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East Dallas is known for being a neighborhood where many families can afford private school but opt for public instead. Here’s the breakdown of students in a given elementary school zone who attend private or home school vs. their neighborhood school.

East Dallas is known for being a neighborhood where many families can afford private school but opt for public instead. Here’s the breakdown of students in a given elementary school zone who attend private or home school vs. their neighborhood school.

breakdown of students in a given elementary school zone who attend private or home school vs. their neighborhood school Lakewood elementary, Robert E. Lee, Alex Sanger, Stonewall Jackson, Victor Hester, William Lipscomb, Dan D. Rogers, Mount Auburn; 7.7% of homeowners in the neighborhoods surrounding Dan D. Rogers send their children to the school

1,844 elementary-age students live within Lakewood’s attendance zone, nearly twice the number of students living in any other East Dallas elementary zone.

socioeconomic diversity disadvantaged versus affluent of Hexter, Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, Rogers, Sanger, Lipscomb, Mount Auburn Lakewood elementary

52.9% of Robert E. Lee Elementary’s campus is used by its 314 students, the emptiest of all of East Dallas campuses; 163.7% the capacity of Lakewood Elementary, with 876 students crammed into a space for 536.* *Construction at Lakewood, slated to be complete by winter 2017, will create enough space for 1,000 students.

Hexter is one of the most diverse elementary schools in our neighborhood, matching closely to the City of Dallas demographics.

Ethnically diversity of Dallas ISD compared to Hexter Elementary