Buzzbrews opened May 18 at 7 a.m.

The beloved BuzzBrews Kitchen in Lakewood is permanently closed. There are no expectations for the restaurant to reopen in the foreseeable future, Robyn Delozier, Director of Property Management for Crestview Real Estate, LLC, said.

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Nearby residents posted on the Lakewood/East Dallas, Facebook group that they saw a real estate leasing sign and people loading trucks outside the residence today. A notice of change of locks was placed on the the restaurant doors.

Allegedly, a call to the code enforcement was made regarding their vertical banner signs, the Facebook comments said. The determined reason for the closure is not known.

“We are not aware of any issues they may have had with the City regarding banners,” Delozier said.

BuzzBrews Kitchen owner posted a farewell to the Lakewood community on their Facebook page.

Photo courtesy to Lillian Juarez, captured by Facebook. The Deep Ellum and Central locations are still open in Dallas. The former Lakewood location has not updated its website to reflect the restaurant’s closure.