Photo submitted by Greenville Avenue Pizza Company.

Photo submitted by Greenville Avenue Pizza Company

On Aug. 10, Greenville Avenue Pizza Company is hosting its annual Slices for Supplies event. Neighbors can swing by the restaurant between 4-8 p.m. with a package of pencils, pens, notebooks, glue, crayons, rulers, paper, etc. or a monetary donation. Those who participate will receive a free slice of cheese pizza with one topping of their choice.

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All donations and supplies will benefit the local Ignacio Zaragoza Elementary, a school with 395 students, 98 percent of whom are impoverished and for 68 percent of whom English is a second language.

Owners Sammy and Molly Mandell, who are both products of the Dallas Independent School District, will match the donations dollar for dollar. Last year the initiative raised enough money to help take more than 100 kids on a field trip to NASA.

The event is Monday, Aug. 10, from 4– 8 p.m. at Greenville Avenue Pizza Company, located at 1923 Greenville. Call 214.826.5404, or go to the website to learn more.