Past presidents of Lakewood Elementary PTA were honored at the organization’s annual Founders Day celebration recently.

Twenty-three former presidents and current PTA officers were joined by Jason Myatt, Lakewood principal, who updated attendees on the school’s state of affairs.

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The event was organized by current PTA officers and volunteers led by Lisa Deatherage, corresponding secretary of the current Lakewood PTA.

Marilyn McBride, Cathey Hundley and Rita Brooks


Gwyn Kelley and Ralphana Barnes


Liz Cook, Lisa Deatherage, Principal Jason Myatt and current PTA President Lauren Maggard


Melanie Myers, Rita Brooks and former (K-A) kindergarten teacher and PTA president Marian Hammert


While the first president served Lakewood Elementary in 1952, Claire Cunningham, back row, second from left, was the earliest serving president in attendance, from 1969


Principal Jason Myatt informed attendees that Lakewood Elementary this year has nine kindergarten classes and 891 students, grades K-5, among other school facts


Annual school directory identifies those who have served as PTA presidents over the years