While it’s a wonderful time of the year, packed with holiday events and cheer (check out everything you’d want to do in the neighborhood in our December cover story), grinches are out in full force this holiday season. The giving and receiving of so many presents proves too tempting for some, and package theft skyrockets during December.

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Two were reported on Dec. 5 in our neighborhood by the same suspect, both taking place in the middle of the day as is common for the crime.

The first, captured in the video above, shows the man in a black, hooded vest approach a home at 10 a.m. in the 2600 block of Madera, where he makes it look like he’s dropping off a letter while he actually scoops up a package.

His second crime, also captured on camera, took place at 1:54 p.m. that day when he snagged another package from a porch in the 1600 block of Glenlivet Drive. Police say he may be driving a black BMW with the temporary Texas tag: 03W9169.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Detective Comstra of the Central Investigative Unit at 214.670.0545.