Lottie Minnick told State Fair of Texas officials two years ago that she could put on a spectacular sculpture show for the 2008 Fair. They said yes, and she sent out a call for entries. But no one applied. So she sent out another call for entries. And still, no one applied. So she called a few dozen of her closest East Dallas artist friends. "Fortunately, I live in Forrest Hills, which is a nest of fabulous artists," she says.

So last year, there were over 50 sculptures on display from 45 artists, most of whom live in East Dallas. You can see pictures of them here. This year, Minnick recruited 60 artists from all over Texas who made 85 sculptures for the exhibit, which starts at the Old Mill Inn. "Give me another year or two and it will be the biggest sculpture show in Texas with the best artists," she says.

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