Closing the gap

The YWCA of Dallas and CitiBank launched a new resource in financial security, YW Self-Sufficiency Calculator, which matches families with appropriate benefits to mend financial gaps. Pictured from left: Debbie Taylor of Citi, Councilmember Jerry Allen, Councilwoman Ann Margolin and Jennifer Ware, YW CEO at the City Hall announcement.

Literacy love

The English Language Ministry, which provides literacy support for East Dallas, received a $15,000 community grant from the Verizon Foundation and 15 percent of a day’s sales from Fish City Grill. Founded in 1994, ELM is sponsored by East Dallas Christian Church, First Community Church, Northridge Presbyterian Church and St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church. Pictured from left: volunteer Jackie Andrews, ELM executive director Ellen Mata and ELM board president Janie Autz at the Fish City Grill benefit.

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Searching for a cure

Tom and Christine Warrick of Lakewood recently traveled to San Francisco, Calif., to deliver a $50,000 check on behalf of the TeamConnor Cancer Foundation to the University of California San Francisco Benioff Children’s Hospital. The donation will help fund research in pediatric cancer. Pictured from left: Pediatric Hematology/Oncology specialist Dr. Robert Goldsby, Christine Warrick, Dr. Sarah Tasian, Tom Warrick, Dr. Mignon Loh and Michelle Hermiston.