Empowering students
Blue Goose Cantina raised $10,230 for Empower Your Future, a local nonprofit organization that mentors low-income students. From left, Blue Goose managers Matt Mortimer, Angie Detrie, Brandon Bowen and Loren Talley present the check to Dallas Police Officer Joe Chatham.

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Think big
With a grant from the Real Estate Council, students at Robert T. Hill Middle School learned about real estate through a program developed by Big Thought, an educational organization that partners with Dallas ISD to offer creative programming.

Scouts honor
Greg Regan, adviser to the Wacondi Hatachi Chapter of the Order of the Arrow, swore in new officers — Sam Bubeck, chapter chief, and Jacob Davidson, vice chief of camping promotions — during the East Dallas Boy Scouts Troop 42 White Buffalo District annual awards banquet at Ridgewood Park United Methodist Church.