More Design Group has an interesting residential project at Gaston and Fitzhugh. A client bought a run-down 1920s mansion that at some point had been converted into a boarding house. It had small bedrooms, lockers and communal bathrooms. But More is bringing it back to its original floorplan and fully restoring the house, says project manager Chad Dorsey. A construction fence surrounds it now, but the facade already looks better, and it recently got new windows.

The owners of that house also bought an adjacent house, another 1920s single-family home that was converted to apartments years ago and at one point was a halfway house. They’re not sure what to do with that one yet, and Dorsey says they are working now to determine whether to make it a single-family home or apartments.

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That area has a lot of low-income apartments, and this project could create a new look for that corner.

"It’s going to be good for the neighborhood," Dorsey says.