And in Casa Linda, to boot, at Wamre’s favorite gas station. And who says politicians aren’t worried about gas prices with an election in November?

Cornyn, the Republican incumbent U.S. senator, is running for re-election against Rick Noriega. He appeared at the Green Spot on Buckner to lobby for increased oil drilling to lower the price of gas. Apparently, Cornyn’s aides didn’t brief him fully about Green Spot, which is an environmentally-friendly gas station. It’s probably not the kind of place where someone should say "Why not use more of what God gave us right here in America, rather than buying it from abroad and enriching people who are not friendly to the United States?"

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We detailed U.S. Rep. Pete Sessions’ visit to Arlington to protest gas prices, where he also called for more oil drilling. His opponent for the 32nd district seat, Eric Roberson, also made a gas station appearance yesterday. He pumped unleaded with five other Democrats running for Dallas-area House seats at the Fuel City just south of downtown. ""No more bull," he said. "It’s time to tell the truth about oil. … American needs solutions, not sound bites." Gromer Jeffries, the political writer for Dallas’ Only Daily Newspaper, noted that the comment was made in front of the station’s small herd of cattle.

And who says this won’t be a fun election?