Neighbor Gari Lister is heading to Latvia to adopt three girls. While she’s there, she wants to overwhelm an orphanage with gifts.

One of Lister’s future daughters spent time in a special needs orphanage in Riga, Latvia. Though the children were well-cared for, she noted a lack of resources at the facility. The children, who all are younger than 6, suffer from severe and treatable medical and developmental special needs. Many cannot walk.

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Lister is requesting supplies to bring to the orphanage, and she made an Amazon wish list to guide neighbors’ purchases. Lister is asking for children’s art supplies, such as colored pencils, crayons, markers and drawing pads. She also could use baby shampoo, baby care items, wooden toys (no batteries), puzzles and Play-Doh. She’s looking for new or very lightly worn clothes, especially shoes and pajamas.

Lister is leaving Saturday, Dec. 2, so make your donations soon.