Photo courtesy of the Greater East Dallas Chamber of Commerce

The Greater East Dallas Chamber of Commerce will be having its monthly Rise and Shine Networking Breakfast at East Dallas Middle Ground from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. on Sept. 10. 

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The Breakfast takes place the second Tuesday of every month. The monthly breakfast includes complimentary coffee while guests network amongst members of the Greater East Dallas business community.

The Rise or Shine Networking Breakfast is led by the Chamber’s Live Local Committee, which focuses on projects that support local small business owners and meets as needed. 

Sponsorships are available to participants for $25. Leading up to the event, sponsors will be recognized on social media.

To learn more about how to get involved with the Committee, contact

For specific information about the Rise and Shine Networking Breakfast, contact jesseac@sbcglobal.netÂ