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The corner of Peavy and Garland is in the news (again) as city crews began working on a project they say will make the area more friendly for pedestrians — which is something we talk about in our August issue.

The plan will add more street lighting, a flashing pedestrian beacon, a new median, landscaping improvements and will make the section of Peavy that breaks off before connecting with Garland a one-way street. District 9 City Councilman Mark Clayton announced yesterday that crews would begin work on the corner today. So far it looks like they’ve only put up some orange cones, but in the coming days traffic in the area might become a little more hectic than usual as the project takes shape.


Earlier this week we announced that Greenville Avenue Pizza Co. hopes to have their new location on the corner up and running by November and the former T store doesn’t currently have any code violations, despite appearances.