R&B singer Erykah Badu got a $500 fine and six months probation for stripping buck naked in Dealey Plaza for her “Window Seat” video in March. Badu is a 39-year-old mother of three who has a home in East Dallas.

She recently released another video for the Rick Ross remixes of “Window Seat” and “Get MuNNY”. The video includes scenes downtown and on Riverfront Blvd., and in it, Badu and Ross appear to rob a check-cashing joint.

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I’m such a big fan of Badu that if she actually robbed a check-cashing joint, I’d probably be all, “you guys, it’s art.”

But I’m curious about what our neighbors think of Badu’s sentence for disorderly conduct.

Speaking of nudity, a bikini protest is planned for noon on Wednesday, Aug. 18 at City Hall. The swimsuit-clad protesters aren’t defending Erykah but protesting the city’s closure of public pools this summer.