At what was once the edge of town in the 1920s, the train tracks ran parallel to what was then Greenville Road, not to be confused with Greenville Avenue. The cross street looks to be about where Richmond Avenue crosses Abrams, between the Whole Foods and Chipotle in modern day Lakewood. A sign warns commuters of a road closure ahead, and how they would have to find another way to Garland Road. Greenville Road was eventually changed to Abrams, named after a developer who helped build homes in the area.  Storefronts, a streetcar and a couple vintage vehicles can be seen up the road, with two water tanks beyond.  The water storage tanks were known as the Twin Standpipes and were built to provide water for the exploding neighborhood in the 1920s. They stood at the corner of Greenville and what was then Aqueduct Avenue,  Goliad and Abrams today. The standpipes were each 100 feet tall and 60 feet wide. A 1923 Dallas Morning News article details how the new towers would ensure adequate water pressure for the Lakewood area.


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2018 (Photo by Danny Fulgencio).