The Leaning Tower of Dallas spoiled developers’ plans once again Monday. It stood strong against a comically small wrecking ball that didn’t seem to make any progress in destroying the building that was supposed to come down more than a week ago.

The company tearing down the former Affiliated Computer Services building scheduled the demolition from 9 a.m. to noon Monday. But that wasn’t nearly enough time.

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Crews were back at it Tuesday. The demolition is scheduled to be complete in the next three or four days, Lloyd D. Nabors Demolition told the Dallas Morning News. But we’ve heard that before. At this rate, it feels like it will take months.

The wrecking ball isn’t actually that small. It’s 5,600 pounds and was chosen because of Occupational Safety and Health Administration regulations. However, the company may have underestimated the size of the crane needed to efficiently take down the building, the Morning News reported.

Now, the wrecking ball has almost reached Leaning Tower of Dallas-level stardom. It even has its own Twitter account.

Bystanders and news organizations got in on the fun.